jueves, 1 de abril de 2010


Vectores Magazine oficialmente abre la convocatoria para su edicion 6! y como ya es costumbre tienes tres formas de partiipar:

1. Envia una ilustraciòn o diseño sobre el tema MITOLOGIA (cualquier interpretacion es valida) de 4000x2000 pixles y 72dpi.

2. Envia una ilustracìon o diseño que muestre tu talento como artista o que publicite lo que quieras, un blog, un website, etc (siempre y cuando este relacionado con el diseño grafico o la ilustracion) 4000x2000pixeles y 72dpi

3. Envia una ilustraciòn o diseño libre! sobre lo que quieras! para incluirlo en una pagina individual.

Si tienes un articulo sobre diseño o ilustraciòn tambine podriamos incluirlo.

envia tu aporte a vectoresmagazine@hotmail.com

mas informacion: www.vectoresmagazine.blogspot.com

VECTORES MAGAZINE is officialy calling artists for its sixth issue
and as usual there are 3 ways to participate:

1. Send us a design or illustration, the theme for this issue is MITHOLOGY (any interpretation is good) 4000x2000 pixels 72 dpi

2. Send us a design or ilustration showing your talent! showing what you do best, or to advertise anything you want, your blog, website, etc (as long as it has something to do with graphic design and ilustration) 4000x2000 pixels 72 dpi

3. Send a design or ilustration about anything you want! any size you want to be included as a single page.

Also, if you have an article related to art, graphic design or ilustration, it could be a part of the mag.

Send your art to vectoresmagazine@hotmail.com

more info at: www.vectoresmagazine.blogspot.com

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